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Response to Spokesmen-Review Hit-Piece

Shawn Vestal is a Spokesman-Review opinion columnist and lives in Eastern Washington State. He wrote a hit-piece about me this Sunday. Shawn Vestal constantly savages President Trump, Washington Representative Matt Shea, Idaho Representative Heather Scott, and most other conservative Republicans. He defends the violent actions of the communist black shirts known as Antifa, and other Democratic Socialists fringe groups. So why did tin-pot socialist Shawn Vestal write a hit piece and attempt to label-lynch me?

Last Tuesday, 20JAN2020, approximately 25,000 people showed up in Virginia to protest the tyrannical State government attempt to take their firearms. It was a very successful, massive, multi-ethnic, and peaceful rally. A local conservative woman who was originally from Virginia decided to arrange a rally in support of partisans in Virginia here in Kootenai County, Idaho. Over 250 Idahoans attended the Second Amendment rally in the cold.

It was a lot of fun meeting fellow patriots in Northern Idaho.  So many good men and women showed up at this event.  At that event, I was asked to speak about gun rights and decided to talk about how this tyrannical nation attacked the gun rights of Americans of African descent for many, many years. I spoke about the truth that Martin Luther King requested “permission” to carry a firearm for self-defense. Because his State did not have Constitutional Carry, his local sheriff was able to deny his request. As all know, he was later murdered.

Alex Barron, Idaho State Senate candidate speaks at Support Virginia Rally for the Second Amendment , Coeur d’Alene, Kootenai County Idaho 20JAN2020 Photo Credit Duane Rasmussen

I spoke about how the Black Panthers (and yes they had communist ties, but they were still American citizens and had constitutional rights which should not have been infringed) carried long rifles to protect their communities from a tyrannical government, and that both Democrats and Republicans got together to pass gun control to remove the ability of those black men to carry firearms in public (open carry). A Republican governor signed that bipartisan gun control Bill. And it is still in place today.  I spoke about the tragic case of Philando Castile an American of African descent who was a legal conceal weapon holder and was murdered by a Hispanic police offer in front of a 4-year old child.

My speech is on the web and below, and you can listen to it directly. When Shawn Vestal heard that I had spoken about many black leaders and our desire to be as armed as possible including noted abolitionist Frederick Douglass who said the “Every slave hunter who meets a bloody death in his infernal business is an argument in favor of the manhood of the black race” Shawn Vestal, a white socialists authoritarian progressive was not pleased.

On Twitter, Shawn Vestal said to me, “Yes, you’ve really intelligently grasped the spirit of the day and of the great man himself. Got it…The Right Wing Nut Job attempt to co-opt MLK is unassailable!” Then he followed up with “…I bet you’ve got a *super* wise take on Malcolm X, though.

I was like, this white progressive is lecturing me about my own black history? This white progressive is calling me stupid and a nut job?  I do not need to take one word of advice from a white Democrat, about my own culture and history. See, “I is be able to read and stuff.” My walk through life is much closer to these great black icons then this arrogant progressive fool. My life experiences have proven to me that autocratic progressives and their failed policies have led the black community (and in more general terms all poor communities) into decay, death and destruction. This is why I am such a passionate fiscal and social conservative Republican. I will take a different route. And I told him as much. Shawn Vestal told me to shut up.  The other white progressives online thought that was funny.

Remember these leftist (inside and outside the Republican Party) who claim to value diversity, hate diversity of opinion. All they care about is crushing those they politically disagree with and “getting a scalp” on the wall. Shawn Vestal, the Democrat progressive, decided he was going to use the power given to him by the Spokesman-Review to take that “arrogant conservative negro” down a peg or two.  AND ONE NORTH IDAHO PROGRESSIVE MAN WHO DOES NOT KNOW WHAT CAPS LOCK IS, LIKES TO CHEER HIM ON.  And thus, a few days after this heated Twitter exchange, this socialist in cooperation with liberals from both Spokane and North Idaho writes this hit piece. Expect more. Understand that liberals inside and outside of the Republican Party will share this article as much as humanly possible and then attempt to define me and my campaign in the most negative way possible.

Alex Barron, Idaho State Senate candidate speaks at Support Virginia Rally for the Second Amendment, Coeur d’Alene, Kootenai County Idaho 20JAN2020 Photo Credit Duane Rasmussen

Do you think I and my supporters did not understand every little liberal (almost uniformly white) would do everything possible to prevent a black conservative from being elected in North Idaho, which is 90% white? Think again. “I is be able to think too.” What I say to everyone, with all of my personal flaws, I am committed to advancing freedom and economic opportunity for all Americans who are Idaho residents. Liberal Republicans and Democrats will never debate me on these issues; they will only use their normal pattern of personal destruction to attempt to derail my historic campaign.

For the record, I unapologetically stand behind my Freedom Fest 2019 speech. First, as always, I explain to the crowd that I am speaking only for myself and not on behalf of any organization that I may volunteer with. We in the Republican Party actually voted for party rules that our party members do not lose their freedom of speech when they volunteer for the Party.  I do not agree with everything other committeemen may or may not say, but they have every right to say it.

I raised my hand when I was 17 years old and swore to “protect” this nation from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. Some may think to “protect” is to stand in front of people with a sign saying, please do not go that way. I can assure you, it is not.

This is not the first time black veterans have to fight white-owned newspapers. After War World, I, the KKK, and other violent Democratic groups savaged returning black veterans. They felt men who had stood up to protect their nations were particularly dangerous to the American Apartheid system (Jim Crow). “Many of the city’s white-owned newspapers fanned the flames of terror, reporting on fabricated instances of black men assaulting white women. In one case, The Washington Post ran a front-page story advertising the location for white servicemen to meet and carry out further attacks on black people in the city.

Now punks like Shawn Vestal and the Spokesman-Review continue this pattern of “fanning the flames” against black men who walk off their racist progressive modern plantation of decay, single-parent home, poverty, welfare, death, and destruction.  Shawn Vestal essentially is saying “look a crazy and potentially violent negro is among you! Do something.” Can you not hear the echoes of the past?  Try this on for size.  Shawn Vestal supports the Virginia Democratic Governor who likes to dress up in a Klansman uniform trying to disarm a new generation of malcontents and despised.  And I am one of the guys saying … um no.

“Black people [formed] ad hoc self-defense organizations to try to keep white folks from terrorizing their communities,” says Simon Balto, a Professor of African American History at The University of Iowa and author of Occupied Territory: Policing Black Chicago from Red Summer to Black Power. “Black veterans are instrumental in that.”

Black veterans were a large part of what made the summer of 1919, in the words of historian David F. Krugler, the year that African Americans fought back. “This is the country to which we Soldiers of Democracy return. This is the fatherland for which we fought!” W.E.B DuBois, a civil rights activist and prominent intellectual, wrote in Crisis Magazine in May 1919, a month after the earliest event of the Red Summer, a riot in Georgia where six people—two white officers and four black men—were killed at a church. “But by the God of Heaven, we are cowards and jackasses if now that that war is over, we do not marshal every ounce of our brain and brawn to fight a sterner, longer, more unbending battle against the forces of hell in our own land.” Veterans in Chicago formed militias to defend black homes, neighborhoods, and families when the police and government refused. In the time following Williams’ death, one group of black veterans broke into an armory and stole weapons. They then used to beat back a white mob. “Because many of them have actually seen battlefield combat, they are willing and capable of using violence for the purpose of self-defense,” says Balto.

Throughout the summer, black veterans around the country took inspiration from the actions of their brethren in Washington, D.C., and Chicago and followed suit. In a riot in South Carolina, one preacher reportedly said of the black self-defense units: “The males carried their guns with as much calmness as if they were going to shoot a rabbit in a hunt, or getting ready to shoot the Kaiser’s soldiers.”

As bloodshed spread nationally—to South Carolina, Nebraska, Florida, Ohio, among others—veterans continued to be targeted. At least 13 veterans were lynched across the United States after the war. Many of them were in uniform, which, when worn in public, many white people saw as an insult to America’s racial caste system… Despite the events of the Red Summer, 1.2 million black men would enlist in World War II. These Americans of African descent who volunteered once more to go to war included my great Uncle Emmitt Barron

It did, however, signal a permanent shift in the way black people responded to white violence in the United States and presaged increasing self-defense tactics, including when black veterans once again mobilized during the violence in Tulsa. For many black people, the way veterans responded to the bloodshed added a sliver of inspiration to the terror of that summer.  More from Abigail Higgins at the History Channel.

The Deacons of Defense, founded on the day Malcolm X was murdered, used firearms to defend their and our communities’ rights. “In early 1965, Black students were picketing the local high school in Jonesboro for integration. They were confronted by hostile police ready to use fire trucks with hoses against them. A car carrying four Deacons arrived. In view of the police, these men loaded their shotguns. The police ordered the fire truck to withdraw. This was the first time in the 20th century, as Hill observes, that “an armed black organization had successfully used weapons to defend a lawful protest against an attack by law enforcement.” I wonder if you asked the Deacons of Defense what they were willing to kill for, I wonder what they would have said.

Even among our more moderate Republican members in our Idaho Republican Party people often have a surprising past.  Some people question why an arch-conservative like myself enjoys working with a certain alleged “moderate” Republican Committeeman. That is because socialists and leftists do not know much about his history. His family was active in the terrible time known as “Bleeding Kansas” when militant anti-slavery abolitionists  fought racist Democrats to attempt to keep them from forcing more States to become pro-slavery. And his family members died fighting in Kansas in the run-up to the civil war. I simply feel a connection with a man who comes from such a heroic background.  If you asked his family members, “what are you willing to kill for” I wonder what their response would be.

That is what progressives do not want others to know. The successful fight for freedom has always been people of various races and economic classes working together.   I speak about the tapestry of the struggle for freedom often.  And while we all desperately want to avoid any violence, the history of America often teaches us that it is not always possible.  It takes two sides to make peace, but only one side to force violence upon you.  If you have the time, I encourage you to listen to my speech at the Inland North West Freedom Fest 2019 and decided for yourself.

There are many, many reasons many why, many people have chosen to defend themselves, their families, and their communities with lethal force, often against our tyrannical government.  As Malcolm X said “We are nonviolent with people who are nonviolent with us.” “Concerning nonviolence, it is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself when he is the constant victim of brutal attacks.” As I repeatedly said in my speech at Freedom Fest 2019, I am not here to tell anyone when that time comes, but I strongly recommend we study our shared history and think thoroughly about the nature of man, his individual liberty and the State.

And Shawn, as I said to you on Twitter, do not get me twisted [Bard Note: Urban dictionary Do not think you can make statements about me like I will not treat you like you treat me.] I still could care less what a little white progressive believes about black history.  If there is one thing I will feel very comfortable talking about is my own community’s history. You and your fellow white liberal cabal (both in and outside of the Republican Party in Idaho) spend all your time attempting to divide Americans by race, creed, and social class. You and your ilk have nothing to teach me about my own history and cultural icons.

I am running for Idaho State Senate to advocate for freedom and opportunity for all American citizens who are Idaho residents. If you agree with socialists like Shawn Vestal and his attempt to label-lynch conservatives, by all means remain silent and do nothing.  But if you are willing to stand with me against savage attacks by autocratic Democrat progressives like Shawn Vestal, please drop me a few shekels to support our campaign, give me a call or email and let’s get together and discuss with our fellow conservatives in Western Kootenai County how we can make Idaho stronger.  The Republican primary is May 19, 2020.

Viva Cristo Rey and Semper Fortis!

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View Comments

  • Alex you have always challenged me to think, I admire your courage to make the changes you have in your life and even more so to run for office! Stay true and keep it up! When I have a few extra shekels I'll send some your way. Best of luck!

    • Thank you friend. Even though I hate it, sometimes I learn more by failure than success. For me I hold to the foot of the cross, and keep picking myself up no matter what.

  • I have read Thomas Sowell’s work and was refreshed by his perspective - white liberals have been ruinous for the black community and minorities - but let us not get sucked into a racial debate - what we need is a benefits all boats policy blind to color. As long as you are a Citizen that is.
    No need to defend or answer every slur - it can distract from ideas for reform which they cannot answer with anything but mud throwing - since their status quo progressivism never works.
    Take the high ground.

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